10 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Marjoram

 When we talk about marjoram most people don't even know that this herb is from the same family as common oregano. 

With a delicate flavor, marjoram can be used to treat digestive issues and alleviate the symptoms of stress and  anxiety and can be used alone or combined with other herbs.

Marjoram has antispasmodic, expectorating, mucolytic, healing, digestive,  antimicrobial,  anti-inflammatory and antioxidant  action. 

With all of that, marjoram can be useful for: 

1. Digestive and nervous systems

Did you know that a marjoram infusion can be  very useful in cases of diarrhea and flatulence? 

2. Muscle pains

Both the infusion or the essential oil of marjoram  can be used to massage and relax the muscles, either during a shower or a bath. 

3. Helps with airways and fights viral diseases

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, bactericide,  and expectorating properties, marjoram infusion is great as a natural medicine for coughs and colds. 

4. Helps fight depression, stress, and anxiety

Did you know that people who suffer from depression, stress or insomnia can find some relief in drinking a cup of hot marjoram tea every night, before sleeping? 

Besides that, drinking marjoram tea can also contribute to improving immunity, mood, is good for the pancreas and liver, helps fight off microbial infections and treats gas. 

Watch the video to learn how to make marjoram tea!

Side-effects and contraindications

When consumed in excess, marjoram can cause headaches and constipation. This herb is not recommended during pregnancy or for girls under 12 years of age since marjoram can lead to hormonal changes that might affect the development of the fetus or affect puberty development.


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