5 Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Smile

 It may not seem like it, but some habits and even some foods can harm your smile. Did you know that?

Chewing the cap of a pen, drinking coffee, and brushing your teeth incorrectly can damage the teeth. 

But, besides these issues, there are some other habits that you don't even know that can be very bad for your oral health. 

Because of that, it is important to take good care of your teeth, brushing and flossing regularly. 

See 5 common habits that are for your mouth: 

Drinking water and lemon

Water with some lemon is one of the best things to improve your immune system and your general health. However, the juice of citrus fruits weakens the enamel of teeth. 

Brushing your teeth right after eating  

Do you usually brush your teeth right after finishing your meals? Avoid doing that from now on. 

Using a brush with hard bristles

It may seem like soft bristles can't clean your teeth properly, but the truth is that they are way better than the firm ones! Did you know that toothbrushes with hard bristles can cause injuries? 

Chew ice

It sounds like an uncommon thing, but many people have this habit. Have you ever chewed ice? If you like to chew ice, stop doing it!

Drinking wine

You certainly know that wine contains substances that increase the good cholesterol and improve heart health. But, when drank little by little, it can compromise teeth health – in a similar way as water and lemon. 

So, do you have any of these habits? 

If you do any of these things and think it may be harming your smile, talk to a dentist to learn how to improve your oral health!


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