5 Simple Steps to Relaxation With Stress Relief Remedies

• Yoga: This is generally accepted to be one of the most complete stress relief remedies widely practiced today. The interaction and combination of mind body and spirit allow you to empty your troubled mind of the daily stresses, whilst having a calming effect upon your system. There are of course potential health benefits associated with this practice including; a positive effect on blood pressure and hypertension.

Furthermore, as you begin to feel better, you will start to attract better-thought patterns into your life whilst radiating this positive energy to everyone around you. You will also achieve greater awareness and higher consciousness over time as you develop and master your technique. If you are new to yoga and wish to join a class locally, check with the ‘British Wheel of Yoga’ in the UK, or indeed your local news/media for experienced guidance.

• Art & Painting: This is one of the most therapeutic outlets for self-expression and creativity I can think of, and it does not matter whether you have any great artistic talent or not. I can remember when I was at school being made to feel useless by our dour art teacher and once receiving 5/100 for a course exam.

How sad is that, it could have put me off for life and it should not have happened! Come on let's just have fun, it is like a revisit to your childhood, and as I have found out you might just have an unrealized talent lying dormant for too long. So get down to your local stationers or arts and crafts shop and release the child in you too, it is a great way to unwind and one of the best stress relief remedies I know!

• Visualization: This is also one of the easiest stress relief remedies to learn, all it takes is a little of your relax time to enter your very own theatre of dreams and visualization. Make yourself comfortable in your favorite chair and slowly focus upon your breathing. Try to breathe deeply for about five minutes and notice how relaxed your muscles feel. This technique will also help to prepare your mind.

When you are relaxed go to the theatre of your mind and imagine a scene where you are sitting in the middle of a wonderful country garden. Allow your senses to appreciate the scent of freshly cut grass and the hypnotic fragrance of flowers all around you. Remember the only limit to this powerful visualization technique is your own imagination. I understand that if you visualize a goal with enough faith and belief attached on a daily basis, the physical must then manifest itself into your life!

• Meditation: As a student of meditation I think this is the most magical and mystical of all stress relief remedies. This ancient practice dates back for thousands of years and the lives of millions of people have been transformed through the discipline of meditation. To help clear your mind of daily stress and negative baggage I recommend basic mindfulness meditation.

A simple and well-known technique is to concentrate on one object in your room or just on your breathing in-out, you can also use the counting technique if you prefer. The objective once again is to clear the daily dross and leave you feeling relaxed and peaceful. A great way to finish the day.

• Massage: Finally why not enjoy a soothing massage. This most natural stress relief remedy has been bringing relief to people for centuries. The important connection is that even if your stress is tied to emotional or mental tension a massage on a physical level can relieve the stress, this is because of the mind-body relationship. And anyway it keeps the fun in your own relationship and the old flames burning just that little a bit longer!

I have a passionate love for all things spiritual and also self-improvement and personal development. This passion was ignited during a very challenging period of my life when affected by serious long term family illness and multiple bereavements I became very stressed. My mission is to help other people to understand that there is a way forward for them too, as well as to pass on any useful tips and strategies for that purpose.

Source- http://stress-relief-help.com


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