Vitamin K2 is a powerful nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health, yet most people have never heard of it. It is often referred to as the missing link between diet and various chronic diseases. This nutrient is responsible for ensuring that calcium gets to the right place in the body and is not deposited in veins and arteries, which can lead to health complications.
The benefits of vitamin K2 are numerous, including supporting bone health, helping control blood pressure, regulating calcium levels in the body, having an antioxidant effect, and helping in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is considered a strong ally of the heart and is associated with a lower risk of heart problems.
Although studies are still in development, it is already known that K2 has many benefits for heart health. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause problems such as bleeding and blood in the urine, and can also lead to bone weakness.
Vitamin K2 is formed in the gut microbiota and can also be found in animal products such as eggs, butter, liver, milk, meat and cheese, as well as fermented soy-based foods like natto, a traditional Japanese food. It is also found in certain plant foods such as cabbage, chard, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce and cabbage.
However, it is important to note that like all vitamins, too much vitamin K can be harmful. It is fat-soluble, just like vitamins A, E and D, so when taken in large amounts it can interfere with or even prevent the absorption of other vitamins. Additionally, excess vitamin K can interfere with anticoagulant medications.
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