What is the difference between engine oils that are labeled as “synthetic” and those without the label?

There are two main types of engine oil: synthetic and conventional or mineral.

Oils that are considered "conventional" or "mineral-based" are refined from crude oil to achieve specific qualities. Most vehicles can use them, but their performance may suffer in severe conditions like high heat or frequent use.

However, the molecular structure of synthetic oils has been standardized in the lab. This makes them superior to regular motor oils in terms of their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, as well as their ability to protect engines and reduce fuel consumption. To improve performance in high-performance engines across a wide range of conditions, including high temperatures, heavy loads, and extended drain intervals, synthetic oils are designed to be more heat-resistant and less likely to breakdown.

The manufacturing process and the resulting performance characteristics are, in the end, the main differentiators between synthetic and conventional engine oils. Check with the manufacturer to find out what kind of oil is best for your vehicle, but synthetic oils tend to provide the best protection and performance for engines.


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