Warm, Golden Sunset Photoshop Tutorial

In this sunset Photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to improve and enhance sunsets in a picture by using a Gradient Map. Although sunsets are very commonly photographed, pictures rarely succeed to capture their rich, golden hues. We will try to bring some of that beauty back by using Photoshop.
sunset photoshop tutorial

For this sunset Photoshop tutorial, you’ll need:

  • Any recent version of Photoshop should work
Step 1
Open the picture you want to use in Photoshop.

 sunset photoshop tutorial original 

We will be using a Gradient Map adjustment layer to modify the picture. At the bottom of the Layers palette, click on the New Adjustment Layer option.

 sunset photoshop tutorial new adjustment layer
Select Gradient Map from the list that appears.

 sunset photoshop tutorial gradient map 

We will now edit the gradient by clicking on the gradient preview bar.

 sunset photoshop tutorial gradient preview bar 

Let’s change the black color first by double-clicking on the black color stop.

 sunset photoshop tutorial black color stop 

Select a nice red color that will be applied on the dark areas of the picture.

 sunset photoshop tutorial red color 

 sunset photoshop tutorial red color result 

Now, we will change the white color by double-clicking on the white color stop.

 sunset tutorial white color stop 

We will now select a bright yellow color for the light areas in the picture.

 sunset tutorial yellow color 

 sunset tutorial yellow color result
Step 2
The colors are not blending in with the picture too well, but we will fix that by changing the layer blending mode and opacity. Change the Gradient Map layer’s blending mode to Overlay, which will make the dark areas darker and light areas lighter.

 sunset tutorial overlay 

 sunset tutorial overlay result
Step 3
Now, the colors are blending in better with the picture, but the colors are still too intense. To fix that, lower the opacity according to your picture. I will be setting the opacity at 40%.

 sunset tutorial opacity 

Now that you have adjusted the opacity of the Gradient Map layer, you are done! This sunset Photoshop tutorial is now complete!

 sunset photoshop tutorial


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