Couple prays before meal – Woman takes picture when she sees ‘Together We Serve’ on their arms

When Michelle Torino-Barcelos sat down to eat at McAlister’s Deli, she decided to snap a few photos. She wasn’t, however, trying to Instagram photos of her meal. Michelle was secretly photographing a man eating across from her.
While Michelle was eating dinner with her husband, she became infatuated with the man’s tattoo that read “Together We Serve” with a holy cross next to it.
“I told my husband to discretely look at his tattoo, and see how beautiful its meaning is,” Michelle wrote in a post published on the Love What Matters Facebook page. “I told my husband, it can have double meanings. The word “we” may mean as we, as a whole serving God, or “we” can also mean him, together with his other half; it can be his girlfriend or his wife.”

Source: Love What Matters

It wasn’t long before a woman came and sat down with the tattooed man. Michelle noticed that she had the same tattoo as she did.
“I thought, it was like the sweetest thing ever that I saw from a couple, having that same kind of tattoo written on their arms! I was thinking, #RelationshipGoals!” Michelle wrote.
As if that wasn’t enough, the couple became even more adorable to Michelle after they held hands and prayed over their meal before eating.
“I was blown away! Not only by seeing how sweet they were but by just simply being bold enough in professing their faith in public,” Michelle said.
Michelle was basically stalking the couple with her eyes and decided that she would go talk to him.
“So I told my husband, that as soon as we finished eating, I would love to come to the couple and approach them,” Michelle explained. “Just to say that we were blessed and inspired by just looking at them, their tattoo, and their faith and love for God. And I did!”

Source: Love What Matters

Michelle found out that the couple was wed a few months prior and that they both worked for the United States Army.
“In my heart, not only that they want to serve the country together, they also want to serve God together, and that is what their tattoo really means,” Michelle concluded. “And that is the best #RelationshipGoal ever!”
The couple ended up blowing Michelle’s time for the third time after they asked if they could pray for Michelle and her husband. The two couples all held hands, bowed their heads and prayed together.

Source: Love What Matters

“They prayed that we may always be blessed and that we may continue to be a blessing to everyone else, and may our love for God prosper and grow just as how God’s love and grace overflows in our lives,” Michelle said. “How amazing that moment is!”
The couple’s tattoos proved to be true that day as they helped bring God and little bit more love into the hearts of another couple. Not only that couple but more than 2,000 people who shared and 19,000 people who liked the post on Facebook.
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Source: Love What Matters


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