The miracle of pregnancy can be truly mysterious, but these photos by Lennart Nilsson showcases what is truly happening inside a woman’s body. The talented photographer utilized a medical instrument called the cystoscope- the machine is usually used to look inside the urinary bladder but worked perfectly inside a woman’s womb.
The end result is truly stunning, new look at the miracle of life!
The spermatozoon moves up the fallopian tube, on towards egg fertilization.
This is a photo of the egg.
This is the spermatozoon reaching the egg.
This is a photo of the sperm reaching the egg and penetrating itself for fertilization.
This is a birds-eye-view of the spermatozoon. The genetic material is located in its head area.
Once the spermatozoon meets the egg, it begins to travel down the fallopian tube.
After a week, the embryo will attach itself to the fallopian tube.
This is the embryo at 22 days. The grey area is the child’s brain in making.
The red area is the embryo’s heart!
This is the embryo at 28 days!
Things truly start to look interesting at five weeks! The face is starting to develop and is about 9 millimetres long at this point.
This is the embryo at 40 days. It is getting ready to develop its placentia.
Wow, this is eight weeks!
This is the baby at 10 weeks. It’s eyelids are half open and in a few days, they will be fully formed.
Look at the fetus’ hands!
This is the baby at 16 weeks!
The veins start to be visible.
This is the baby at 18 weeks. It can start understanding its outside environment.
19 weeks!
This is the baby at 20 weeks. The baby starts developing hair at this point.
This is the baby at 24 weeks.
The baby is now at 6 months!
One month before the baby is born. Welcome to the new world buddy!
These photos are absolutely stunning, and it’s truly amazing that what our bodies are capable of doing!
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Source: Brightside