Special nail polish changes color when dipped into drink, detects if drink was drugged

Unfortunately, date rape is a reality that far too many women have to deal with today. While most girls, when they go out, just want to enjoy a few drinks and to let loose, the sad truth is that they don’t have the luxury of “letting loose” without risk of being taken advantage of. Statistics indicate that 1 in 5 women have been or will be raped. 80 percent of rapes are perpetrated by non-strangers, while nearly half are committed by a “friend.” If women can’t even trust their own friends to not hurt them, how can they enjoy a fun night out with the girls?
Source: Boredom Therapy
One magic potion may present the answer to that question.
When women go out to a bar or nightclub, they run the very real risk that their drink will be tampered with by men who want to take advantage of them. Illegal drugs, commonly known as “roofies,” are slipped into a woman’s drink in order to lower her inhibitions. Once she takes even a sip of her contaminated drink, she loses all ability to move, speak, or act on her own; in short, she is knocked unconscious. Once unconscious, well, you can imagine what happens…
Source: Boredom Therapy
Unfortunately, this type of criminal behavior has been going on for decades, and its prevalence has only increased in frequency. Hopefully, though, that is all about to change.
Four young men who are disgusted with the date rape culture have devised a potion that allows a woman to tell if her drink has been tampered with. However, instead of the conspicuous jar and dropper you might be imagining, the potion comes in the form of a beauty product that most women use every day: nail polish! This nail polish was designed to change color when placed in a drink that has been contaminated with. How amazing is that?!
Source: Boredom Therapy
Now women everywhere can take proactive measures to protect themselves from date rape by doing what most probably do before going out anyways: painting their nails.
While it is a sad world we live that requires women to take these kinds of protective measures, we’re hoping that this polish is a step towards eliminating date rape entirely. There are even rumors that a clear polish is in the making to help protect men from date rape as well.
Source: Boredom Therapy
Hopefully, with this new technology, girls’ night out can be something women can enjoy, and not a night of worry and wonder about whether or not a drink has been messed with. Women deserve that kind of freedom just as men do, and this polish is a significant step towards giving them that.
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Source: Boredom Therapy


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