Most people have probably lost a wallet at some point in their life. Unless someone finds it right away, everyone is familiar with the cycle: there’s the initial shock, the frustration, a feeling of disappointment and finally resignation to never seeing that thing again. Still, for one woman in Boston, this familiar story had a very unexpected ending.

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The woman was Courtney Connolly, a young woman going to nursing school in Boston. It turns out she had lost her wallet in 2009 when she was interning for a theater company in Wellfleet, Massachusetts and it was taken out of her car. That had been eight years ago. The incredible thing about this story is that the wallet was returned to her entirely intact, complete with all of her cash and credit cards.

Source: YouTube Screenshot
Though the details of how the wallet made it way back into her possession are murky, what’s known is that a good samaritan turned the wallet into the police in Boston. The police officer looked through the wallet for any clues as to who its owner might be. Sure enough, there was an old paystub in it which led to Connolly’s sister-in-law. After bringing it there, it was only one short stop before it was back in Courtney’s possession.

Source: YouTube Screenshot
Although the face that the wallet made it back to her is incredible in itself, the story gets even spookier. Because Connolly is in nursing school, money is relatively tight. One of her passions outside of nursing is powerlifting, and there had been a competition coming up that she couldn’t afford to enter. The fee was about $140 and she thought she wouldn’t be able to spare it. Fortunately, the wallet came back into her possession with $141 inside it.

Source: YouTube Screenshot
After getting her wallet back, Connolly is hoping to connect with both the officer and the mystery person who helped her and buy them each a cup of coffee. Hopefully, the visibility of this story will make that dream a reality. Above all, this story is a breath of fresh air for those who are having hard times. While it’s easy to become jaded and to think that others might not have our best interests at heart, this story shows that there are still thoughtful people out there in the world doing good. That alone is a message worth spreading.
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Source: WCVB Channel 5 Boston