Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies

Fruit and vegetables surround us, but do we know why we eat them and they are useful for us?

Our mind can receive tons of information. However, if you don’t update it and remind it always, the memories could vanish.

That’s why a smart man said: “repetitio est mater studiorum”.

For those who see it for the first time, it’s a Latin phrase meaning: repeating is the mother of learning.
The whole life is like that. Can you tell?

To be healthy, you know that we need to include fruits and veggies in our diets. They are full of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients we need in our life.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans came out with a study in 2016 saying that we need to include fruits and veggies in half of our meals.

Each fruit and vegetable give you different health benefit, and you need to consume them to a certain point.

I have 20 of them that should be present on your plate every day.
Let’s check them out:


Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies
Serving Joy – Inspire Through Sharing
The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants make the apricot and efficient veggie in boosting the immune system.

Some studies say that people can use apricots to treat kidney and ulcer problems.


The amount of fat in the avocado enables your body to store it and break it down easily. It’s more nutritional than the fat found in the processed foods.

A study claims that avocado is especially beneficial for people who treat diabetes. It improves the glucose level while decreasing the risk of metabolic problems.


People who are deficient in potassium, often experience cardiac and weakness problems.

This is where the banana steps in. It’s rich in potassium, which makes it directly responsible for improving the transmission of signals through the nervous system.

Alongside the potassium, they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that enhance your overall health.


Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies
Simply Fresh Fruit
According to a study from 2002, cantaloupe extracts reduce hyperlipidemia in subjects with high cholesterol diet.


A study from 2014 talks about the power of the cucumbers. They can improve the analgesia and decrease the risk of cancer. It’s a proven food for people who are suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Another study from 2012 reveals the antioxidant and analgesic properties of the cucumber.


Dates treat liver damage. It’s simple as that. Call them the liver protector as a study says it protects the liver from chemical damage.

Another study from 2015 says that dates are full with antioxidant properties and can prevent plaque deposition in blood vessels.


Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies
Well-Being Secrets
The leafy green vegetable is a powerful nutrient bomb. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and that’s why studies find it beneficial for people who suffer from micronutrient and calorie malnutrition.


My favorite citrus fruit. It’s rich in vitamin C and responsible for boosting your immune system whenever you feel down.

Lemon has anticoagulant properties and prevents the formation of thrombi.


Alongside vitamin C, the pineapples are rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium. The traditional medicine is its regular user.

A study from 2013 says the extract of pineapple leaf is full with potent anti-inflammatory properties that can promote tissue healing and repair.


Many people recognize it as the cocktail enricher. What you don’t know are the amazing benefits of watermelon.
This red and delicious fruit is full with anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
Studies say that watermelon can reduce the risk of many diseases and regulate tissue damage.


The phytochemicals in the apples have the ability to lower the risk of chronic diseases.
Apples are full of antioxidants that stand in the first fighting lines to prevent the cancer cells from spreading and increase serum cholesterol.

Aloe Vera

Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies
People used Aloe Vera for centuries to treat diabetes. It relieves swelling and itchiness and can regulate serum levels.

According to a study, the Aloe Vera is full of anti-inflammatory properties, and it can protect the nerves in your brain.


A study reveals that the artichoke is hepatocurative. This means that it does a great job relieving the oxidative stress on your liver tissue.


The antioxidant properties of the blackberries make it great health protector. On top of that, the antibacterial properties can fight off H. Pylori.
Moreover, the anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties can fight heart diseases.


Another great source of vitamin C. Oranges can boost your immune system and protect it from inflammatory diseases, viral conditions, and bacteria.

This fruit contains flavonoids and lycopene which are proven fighters against some cancer types.


A study from 2015 talks about the green bean drinks and their ability to relieve fatigue.


The study shows how beet extracts reduce inflammation, kidney damage and injury, and oxidative stress.


Addictive Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Veggies
When you consume raw mangoes, they provide your body with amazing health benefits.
The sweet taste makes them incredibly delicious.

When you mix the taste with its antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-obesogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties, you are getting “a must eat” fruit.


The phytochemicals in the broccoli can strengthen up your immune system and prevent cancer cells from growing.

Some studies say that broccoli can treat cancer and influenza with its anti-inflammatory properties.


The plain taste of the cabbage enables you to consume it however you want.
A study says that it has anti-cancer properties and can prevent the tumor from growing.
You can consume the cabbage as a salad or as an addition to many meat cooking recipes.
There you go.

Having diabetes is frustrating. I’ve been around a person with diabetes for my whole life, and I can share the struggle with those people.

Their entire life is based around “you should eat this,” “don’t eat that,” “this food will make it worse,” etc.

It’s like living in prison and your body is the guard responsible for your diet.
However, if you don’t eat properly, the disease could kill you.

Our theme for today is fruit and what it can do for your illness.

These six amazing and tasty fruits have the ability to control and prevent diabetes from getting worse.

6 Amazing Fruits That Control Diabetes

Fruit #1: Apples

The apples are a great source of soluble fiber that slows down the absorption of sugar in your blood. Plus, eating apples keeps you full for longer time.

The fiber content works against the “inflammation insulin resistance causes which promise faster recovery from infections.

Only one apple per day will satisfy 20% of the daily fiber intake.

Fruit #2: Black Plums

Black plums or as many people call them, the fruit with significant anti-diabetic properties. Eating this fruit will help your body transform starch into energy that will regulate your blood-sugar levels.

If you consume two black plums per day, you will feel the balance and positive effects on you in a week.

Fruit #3: Guava

It’s full of lycopene. The dietary fiber that reduces diabetes symptoms and lowers the chances of another disease.

Eating a PEELED guava does a great job cutting the sugar that gets into your blood. Watch for the “peeled” part because eating it with the skin will result in increased blood-sugar level.

Fruit #4: Grapefruit

6 Amazing Fruits That Control Diabetes
Daily Express
I think this is my favorite fruit among the others.

A study says that grapefruit lowers the blood-sugar as effective as the metformin (a diabetes drug).
LiveStrong says that a half of grapefruit will reduce the blood sugar level and reduces the risk of obesity.

Fruit #5: Avocado

Avocados are full of fiber. Remember how I told you that this content is ideal for regulating blood-sugar levels?

It also has an excellent level of potassium, which reduces diabetic neuropathy symptoms.
Eating one serving of avocado provides you with 50 calories, three grams of carbs and only one gram of sugar.

Fruit #6: Strawberries

Strawberries will help you satisfy your sweet tooth. They contain a small number of carbs, which people with diabetes need to maintain a nice balance with their blood-sugar levels.

Have you tried dipping strawberries in 70% cocoa dark chocolate? It will give you a high number of nutrients and increase insulin sensitivity.

These six amazing fruits that control diabetes will help you maintain a healthy balance in your life.

If you want to be prepared to take over the world, you need to start doing it day-by-day.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Even if that takes months or years. For that, you need to start the day right. And I don’t mean getting up early and rushing to do more and more.

You will lose energy halfway through the day. And you don’t want that to happen.

I’m a big fan of habits. One of the first thing every morning is exercising and breakfast.

Some simple 5-minute stretches do the trick to open my eyes and tell my muscles “it’s time” to wake up.

Then, breakfast. In some of the previous posts I’ve mentioned that breakfast is one big reason why I get out of bed every morning.

I tend to make different breakfast meals, but smoothies are in my blood.

When I spend the day without a smoothie, and that’s really rare, I feel like something’s missing inside of me.

Those are all the nutrients I get from it.

Now, for the next week I found a smoothie that has been proven as successful in fighting obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease.

Here are the ingredients:

  •   4 Ripe Bananas
  •   1 Celery Stick
  •   ¼ cup raw steel-cut oats
  •   1 tbsp. Chia seeds
  •   1 cup non-fat coconut milk or coconut water
  •   ½ tsp. Ground vanilla bean powder
  •   ¼ tsp. Ground cinnamon
This smoothie contains everything you need to stay full for a couple of hours. Plus, your body will feel the energy flowing.

Bananas are high in Vitamin B6 that acts like an anti-inflammatory fighter against cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Banana Oat Smoothie That Will Fight off Diabetes and Obesity

With the help of the potassium, you will be able to lower your HBP and reduce any risk of stroke and heart attack.

Oats are here to stabilize the blood sugar levels. The coconut water and chia seeds are responsible for the energy level in your body. While the cinnamon will provide you with all the requirements your body has from you.

The preparing method:

  •   Put all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth
  •   Enjoy!
Here is a reason more to wake up, get out of your bedroom, and make your day special!


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