Basic Rules on Healthy Living on Campus for Every College Student

College is the first time for most students to be away from home. It is the time when students at last have total say in what they eat, drink, do or engage in. They can at last make their own decisions, both big and small. The independence can be exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time. This period of time determines whether someone will be a wash-off or a fly-away success. Most wish they had a manual to guide them through. This is exactly that, a health manual to hopefully guide you through the many college pitfalls. Like all useful manuals, it comes with a caveat, user discretion is advised. Some websites where students can get assignment papers help think that college is the time when alcohol seems tempting, friendships are the most important thing, vitality and vigor are in abundance and classes seem boring while the hours to pack all these into seem way less than twenty four. These calls for proper time management skills or the student will suffer from burnout and other lifestyle diseases.
An Apple A Day

Basic Rules on Healthy Living on Campus for Every College Student
Top of the list of need to know health tips is diet. It is pretty tempting for one to always order take-outs and binge on fast foods but over time these foods take a tall on productivity. It is important for the college student to take home-cooked meals at least three times a week. They are easy on the pocket and on the heart too. If one has to miss a meal, miss any other but never breakfast. It is important for the student to also include fruits and foods high in fibre in their diet. Pure water should also be included in the diet. Juices natural or not should not be taken as substitutes. With a proper diet, the student will be able to have enough energy to go about the many college exploits. Alcohol should be taken in moderation. If this fails, overindulgence should be occasional and should be tempered with equal binging on water for replenishment on the subsequent day. Remember to not drink and drive. Or ride a bicycle.

All In Moderation
Basic Rules on Healthy Living on Campus for Every College Student
Students should establish good sleeping patterns that ensure that one has sufficient sleep. This will reduce sluggishness during the daytime or one’s set productive hours. It is also very important for the student to exercise. Physical agility is directly linked to mental acuity. It is important for the student to find time to engage in a co-curriculum activity either for fun, fitness or both. One can start by incorporating simple things like walks to class or using the stairs into their daily schedule. Overall health also means that the student should avoid stress. This means that one should attend class and catch up on class work to avoid all nighters. One should also have a group of good friends to touch base with. Students should practice responsible sex to avoid unwanted pregnancies, diseases and other associated co-morbidities such as stress and depression. If one cannot keep one partner or even when one can, it is important to always use a condom. (Heck! This should have been the first health tip!!)
Eyes On The Ball

It all boils down to proper time management. College is the time when most people discover themselves. It is not all about books or play. It is about proper time management and finding a balance. Find time to make those friends, finish those assignments, climb that mountain and jump off that cliff. Just remember why you came to college in the first place. Let no one thing suffer at the altar of another. Make new friends but remember to not forget family. They are the people who matter the most. More importantly they write the checks. Make mistakes. Cry a little. Laugh hard. But most of all learn. Be better than you were yesterday. Not just mentally or physically, but in every sphere of life. Go get them!!


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