– But, I’m trying my best holding up to my healthy diet. Plus, I go to the gym 3 times a week!
Good for you! What’s up with your old habits?
– Well they are still here. I just can’t do anything about it.
YES YOU CAN! Cut them.
Cut them ASAP!
This is a regular conversation with many people.
They just don’t try hard. Even when they do, they fail.
Why? – Habits.
Most people find it easier to say: “this doesn’t work”, “this is a lie”, “blah-blah-blah…”
But how did it work for other people?
They pushed hard when their mind was saying otherwise.
See? – That’s ruining one habit right there.
If you quit on the first obstacle, that’s a habit.
If you don’t see results right away and quit, that’s a habit.
The only thing you should quit is your habits. Find new ones. Healthy ones.
Let me show you the remaining habits you need to cut to achieve some results.
You Are Too Stressed
The stress is not doing you any good.It directly affects your metabolism.
This means you think of food more and more. And you’ll eat, eventually.
It’s like a magnet for food. Many people eat while they are stressed.
Even the slightest snack can damage your healthy diet.
Find other solution to your problems. Leave eating aside.
Of course, if you are aiming for weight loss.
Relieve yourself from stress and all the cravings will stop.
You Are Skipping Meals
Yes you are!Skipping breakfast or lunch won’t make you healthier.
It will make you hungrier.
Stop fooling yourself that you will lose weight if you skip a meal.
In fact, that’s the worst thing you can do to your body and health.
Eating only 1 major meal a day your body will try to stay “full” feeding itself from nutrients and fat that can be found in that meal.
Your body will struggle to find enough. It’s bad for your health.
Skipping breakfast and constantly eating more during the day is still wrong.
Want better results?
Small portions 5 times a day!
Make sure you don’t skip one. Make your own schedule and get it going!
You Eat Too Fast
My grandmother taught me to chew food 30 to 40 seconds before I swallow.Her theory was to help with the digestion.
By doing this you are helping your stomach to work better.
Take your time while eating.
It takes 30 minutes for full digestion before you know you are full.
You will start consuming less food and guess what?
Weight loss.
You Stay Up Too Late
You need to sleep. Your organism needs rest.Staying up late means hormone imbalance.
Have you heard about leptin and ghrelin?
They are hormones in your body.
The first one (leptin) sends signals to the brain that you are full, while the other one stimulates hunger.
When you sleep, they are getting back to functioning normally.
However, if you are up too late you are causing imbalance.
Any imbalance is coming with consequences.
There is a reason why you are hungry and find yourself eating very late.
Take a great 7-hour sleep and stay healthy!
Too Much Caffeine
I won’t say whether caffeine is healthy or not.Consuming it too much will cause stress to the hormones in your body.
The caffeine strikes the cortisol.
This is the same hormone responsible for craving foods high in sugar and fat.
The caffeine keeps you up, but also slows down the cortisol.
You are Addicted to Many Processed Foods
Eating too much processed foods will give you extra pounds.You don’t want them. Especially not when you are trying to lose them.
Processed foods very often come high in fat and sugar.
Make sure you cut your habit fast.
Ditch them at least for a week and see results.
You Ignore Your Thirst (Need for Water)
How many liters of water you drink during the day?One?
That’s not enough.
When was the last time you had a huge glass of water?
By avoiding your need of water, you are damaging your body and health.
Water is really important.
Drinking at least 2 or 3 liters of water per day will speed up your metabolism.
It will also leave less room for food in your stomach.
Get your body going with water.
If you are too lazy to get up for some water, fill up a bottle and leave it beside you.
That’s how you’ll get reminded to drink water right away when you are feeling the need for it.