How Your Feet Can Help You Fall Asleep Every Night?

People can’t get enough sleep during summer. These hot days are something they want to leave behind.
I love summer, but the warm nights cause me troubles because I see sleeping like one of the major “must do’s” for becoming and staying healthy.
A good night sleep gives you enough energy to survive the next day.
Back to the trouble.
The warm nights will make you sweat, and you always search for the colder side of the pillow. All of this leads to waking up in the middle of the evening and irregular sleeping periods.
As a matter of fact, the whole falling asleep process is hard. If you turn on the air conditioner, you will wake up with stiff muscles.
So, that’s not an option.
What you can do is use your feet to fall asleep faster.
If you sleep with a thin blanket that covers your waist like me, then this trick will serve you well.
All you need to do is to cool down your warm body. The weather is hot, and your body is protected with that thin blanket. Keeping one foot outside the cover will give the needed coolness to your body to fall asleep faster.
The method won’t help you if you sleep completely naked. You need to seek for a better option to cool you down through the night.
Keep your waist protected because the cold air coming through the windows could mess it up awfully.
The conclusion is that this trick will work excellent during autumn or spring.
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