Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore

Your doctor is here to explain all common symptoms that might come regarding some disease. However, they don’t tell you anything you don’t want to hear related to something else.
The symptoms you are going to see below are all related to some bigger disease you would want to prevent before it grows even further.
One thing is for sure, though. No one knows your body better than yourself. You can tell if something is wrong when you feel the first strange thing.
If you pay closer attention to the new ways, you want new sensations, or pains can be pretty important for your health.
As Dr. Len Lichtenfeld puts it:
“You know your body best. When you see, or feel something different or just feel ‘off,’ pay attention. Don’t dismiss it.”
It’s not all about the simple stomachache or a headache. These common symptoms go deeper than that. These have “seek medical attention right away” written all over their face.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Keith L. Black says:
“The things that we doctors are most concerned about are new symptoms that develop quickly, rather than things that develop over a long period.”
Everything is fine, but how can we know what common symptoms we should never ignore?
The following interactive pictures will show you everything you need to know about these symptoms.
Take a look:

1. Chest pain requires immediate attention

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Shilpi Agarwal writes, “Any chest pain, especially accompanied by sweating, pressure, shortness of breath, or nausea, should be evaluated by a medical professional right away.”

2. A strong indicator that you should see a doctor

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
The Cleveland Clinic writes, “A sudden, severe headache could be a sign of a more serious, life-threatening condition. Up to six percent of the population could be living with an unruptured brain aneurysm.”

3. A strong indicator that something is wrong

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. David Bronson writes, “The mortality rate for severe confusion is pretty high. You have to figure out what’s going on.”

4. Losing at least 5% of your body over a short period is not a good sign

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Julian Schink writes, “Colon cancer is commonly associated with unexplained weight loss.”

5. Your doctor is waiting to check these common symptoms

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
The National Cancer Institute writes that although these symptoms do not cause pain and may seem harmless, getting fast treatment can save your vision.

6. Alert for calling the doctor

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. David Bronson writes, “Fever of 103 degrees and higher warrants a trip to the doctor — period.”

7. If it’s accompanied by chest pain, fever, circulation issues, and gasping, you need to see a doctor right away.

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Shilpi Agarwal writes, “Without urgent evaluation, breathing can quickly become labored, and it can be catastrophic if not evaluated and treated quickly.”

8. A fluid is accumulating, and doctor’s visit is imminent

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum writes, “If you flex your toes upward and it hurts, that’s also suggestive of a blood clot. But don’t rely on that. If it’s hot, red, and swollen on one side, go to the ER.”

9. It’s better for you to call the doctor

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Richard Desi writes, “If the aneurysm ruptures, the pain tends to be sudden and severe and typically centralized around the belly button.”

10. If you are experiencing long-term fatigue and exhaustion, that could be something else

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
WebMD discusses hypothyroidism by saying, “When the gland is underactive and the metabolism functions too slowly, you may feel sluggish and put on weight.”

11. A doctor should check it out right away

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Julian Schink writes, “Even if it’s just vague pain, it’s not supposed to hurt down there.”

12. Constant and uncontrolled bladder should be checked with the doctor

Pics: 12 Common Symptoms Your Doctor Don’t Want You to Ignore
Dr. Julian Schink writes, “If you’re going to the bathroom more often, then a lightbulb should go off in your head that something’s not right.”
Now you are very well equipped with information about it. These common symptoms have nowhere to go.


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