Study: How Raw Milk Boosts Immunity and Prevent Colds?

Raw milk is labeled as the starter for a death sentence by the US Food and Drug Administration.
However, a new study by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology doesn’t think so.
The results show how the raw milk could help you prevent viruses, colds, strengthen up your immunity and treat respiratory tract infections.
This is entirely the opposite of what processed milk gives us. It has little to no benefits at all.
Back to what the research found.
Study: How Raw Milk Boosts Immunity and Prevent Colds?
Health Impact News
A significant investigatory project called “Pasture” gathered professionals, doctors, and researchers from all around Europe. They joined forces to see and find something useful from the raw milk vs. boiled milk.
The research included women. Half of them live and work on livestock farms somewhere in the Central Europe.
All of them were in their third trimesters of pregnancy. The professionals examined the consumption and their overall lifestyle patterns. This included their milk drinking habits, as well.
Right when they started processing the final data set, the research got richer by 983 children. Pure and raw unobstructed milk is giving great results in immune-boosting nutrition.
The raw milk has similar effects to the protective and anti-infective properties of the breast milk.
It reduces the c-reactive protein levels considered as one of the major leaders to inflammation.

According to the authors:

The main finding of this analysis was an inverse association between consumption of unprocessed cow’s milk and rhinitis [cold or a runny nose], RTI [respiratory tract infections], and otitis [ear infection].
The effect was strongest when cow’s milk was consumed raw; boiled farm milk exhibited an attenuated effect.
The raw milk can establish a connection to 30% drop in respiratory infections and fever. On top of that, if babies and young kids start consuming it they will be able to stay protected from common ailments.
Study: How Raw Milk Boosts Immunity and Prevent Colds?
Experts say that if farmers boil the milk on their farms, it will give benefits, but much less than its raw form.
According to one of the leading authors of this study, Dr. Ton Baars,
We are now not talking about asthma and allergies, but fever and infections in young children. It means there is additional new evidence that raw milk is a protective agent in infectious diseases in young children.
It’s different in Europe. Moises Valasquez-Manoff shares some thoughts about it:
In Europe, the consumption of unpasteurized milk has repeatedly correlated with protection against allergic disease. In America, 80 percent of the Amish studied by Dr. [Mark] Holbreich consume raw milk.
There is everything you need to know about it. What’s going to be your steps from here on, is up to you.


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