6 Ways Dandelion Tea Could Be Good for You

 Have you ever heard about dandelion? Small, round, and fluffy, it is gone with just a breath of air. 

Considered a weed, it is also known as blow-ball or clocks, and it grows naturally. 

It can be found in many places, countries, and climates, it is full of benefits, but very few people know it! 

Dandelions are great for hair growth, vision, and skin. They regulate blood clotting, neurological and immune systems, and also have a strong antioxidant action, aiding in protein digestion, bone health, and sexual dysfunctions. 

Learn now how dandelions can benefit your health and your body: 

How to make dandelion tea?

If you want to drink dandelion tea, use only the leaves and roots. Don't use the flowers because they will make the tea bitter. 

You can use fresh leaves (recently harvested and washed) or dried ones. Make your tea using 1 tablespoon of dandelion roots, or leaves, and 1 cup of boiled water. 

Let it steep for 8 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink immediately.

You should always drink it hot.

Side effects and Contraindications

When consumed in excess, dandelion can cause heartburn and diarrhea. It is important to note that dandelion is contraindicated for people who suffer from uncontrolled hypertension, esophagitis or hiatus hernia. 

During pregnancy, consume dandelion only under medical indication.


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