Make Your Own Anti-Aging Potion at Home Using Coconut Oil

 You certainly have heard that coconut oil is great for your skin and hair, besides having many other benefits, haven't you? 

Coconut is rich in nutrients and minerals. And this fruit is also very versatile: many parts of a coconut can be used, like the water, sugar, milk, and oil (which is the main ingredient of today's recipe). 

Coconut oil is a huge ally of our face skin, since it is rich in antioxidants, like vitamin E. 

It also moisturizes, restores the life of your skin, and helps repair the damages, especially the ones caused by sun and ultraviolet rays.

That's why in today's video we will teach you two natural masks with coconut oil to clean your skin and protect you against aging: 

Green tea and Coconut oil Mask 

Lemon and Coconut oil Mask 

Besides these masks, coconut oil can be used as a facial and body moisturizer, face and lip scrub, makeup remover to remove makeup and other impurities, and even as an after-sun to soothe sunburns. 

Did you know any of these recipes? Do you use coconut oil?


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