4 Ways to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis at Home

Plantar Fasciitis is probably the most painful thing you are going to feel in your foot. It’s this foot condition that’s common.

Over 50% of all Americans suffer from this pain and don’t know what to do about it.
Visiting the doctor means going to the pharmacy and buying prescription meds that lower the pain occasionally.
Plantar Fascia is the thin ligament that spreads from the heel to the front of your foot.

4 Ways to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis at Home

What causes it?

Weight gain, repetitive motion, standing for a long time during the day, and something similar.
The pressure you put on the ligament cause pain and inflammation. The best part is that you can do something to prevent plantar fascia.

Treating it:

Doing simple exercises do a great deal of relieving pain and relax the tight muscles and relieve the symptoms.
All of these exercises are done seated so that you can feel the bigger benefits.

Exercise #1:

4 Ways to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis at Home
Cross one leg over other pull upward on the big toe and hold for 15 seconds. Release and make three repetitions. Switch feet.

Exercise #2:

Stretch the leg in a lung-like move and hold it like that for 30 seconds. Make three repetitions with each leg.

Exercise #3:

4 Ways to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis at Home
Roll your foot over a water bottle. A glass bottle will give you the best results.

Exercise #4:

4 Ways to Treat and Prevent Plantar Fasciitis at Home
Place a folded towel and place it like on the picture you will see below. Pull upward and stretch the foot. Hold it like that for 30 seconds. Make three repetitions with each leg.

How to prevent this from happening again?

There are four things you can do to avoid plantar fasciitis.
Start with buying proper shoe support. Make sure they are comfortable and avoid poorly manufactured ones.
Short, but regular exercise. That will keep you in shape and will relax the muscles.
Take it slow. Rest your feet. Make sure you rest that ligament every time you do something for a longer period.
Maintain healthy weight. That’s how you relieve the extra pressure on the feet.
These are the four ways to treat and prevent plantar fasciitis.

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