Nice work, btw. You’ve said goodbye to something that damages your overall health.
On the other hand…Smokers how you doin’?
Still having that bad cough?
Let’s fool ourselves here. I won’t make you quit smoking. That’s all on you.
If your choice is to keep harming your health, I can’t do much there.
Giving you homemade remedies that could help you is the least I can do.
I already shared something similar to this with you.
Check it out here if you missed it.
This time I want to share something different.
I haven’t tried it because I didn’t smoke a cigarette in my life.
I just can’t find anything good in smoking cigarettes.
Anyway, this natural remedy is very easy to make.
Let’s see how:
- 400g Onion
- 1l Water
- 400g sugar
- 2 tbsp Turmeric
- Ginger – a thumb-sized piece
- Cook the water and sugar together
- Add the onion (cut in quarters) and shredded ginger root
- Let it boil
- Once it boils, add the turmeric and reduce the heat to low
- Cook until the mixture reduces to half
- Strain it and keep it in a jar
- Once it cools completely, store it in your fridge
Take 2 tablespoons in the evening 2 hours after your dinner.
As you can see this elixir uses only natural and highly beneficial main ingredients.
It’s used for many years as the main ingredient in every natural remedy. It also eliminates the excess mucus in your lungs.
Onion and Garlic
This spice is FULL with vitamins and minerals. It also comes with omega-3 fatty acids.
Its antiviral, anticancer and antibacterial effects will do your body a favor.
Make sure you add Turmeric in your daily diet. It can be used for everything.
Check these amazing ways to use it.
Important Notice: Consult your doctor for every natural remedy.
Do you know anybody who is addicted to smoking?
They will definitely need this.