Orange Peel and Cinnamon Tea: Improves Digestion and Reduces Cholesterol

 Do you suffer from bad digestion and stomach issues? 

Did you know that a tea made of orange peels and cinnamon can improve it? 

This tea also boosts the ingestion of substances that are beneficial to health, fights infections and helps with weight loss. 

It can also reduce cholesterol, stomach and intestinal issues, metabolize and reduce blood fat, and promote the good functioning of the immune system. Isn't it amazing?

Learn more about the benefits of the ingredients of this recipe: 

Orange peels promote digestion thanks to the high amounts of phytonutrients, flavonoids, and polyphenols. 

Cinnamon, besides its wonderful aroma, has antioxidant action, stimulates the body defense, and has antispasmodic, anesthetic, and probiotic actions. Incredible, isn't it?

Watch the video to learn how to make this tea!

To improve digestion, drink a cup of this tea per day, while fasting or before sleeping.  After 30 days of daily consumption, make a one-week pause, and then restart. 

If the tea causes any reactions, immediately suspend the treatment and seek a doctor. 

Try it and share your experience with us!


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