It will be the first country to roll out these tests as it will replace the old pap tests. According to the officials, the new method brings a proven and effective way of detecting cervical cancer in its early stage.
The idea of this new screening test comes from the new testing technology for HPV. it went well with the new HPV vaccine that came out as a success. The tests for the vaccine were held on school-age children.
As a woman, I think this is the first step to something bigger. This will lower the chances of people “catching” cervical cancer. The doctors will be able to bring further conclusions and set diagnosis before it grows bigger.
“Thanks to many years of pioneering work by scientific and clinical leaders, Australia is on the cusp of rolling out a program which will not only improve our ability to detect changes on the cervix, but also improve screening rates for women who have never had a Pap smear before.” she wrote in the Sydney Harold.
The Test
The technology behind these new tests is completely different. However, the whole procedure will be the same for the women. Women from ages 25 to 74 will have the opportunity to do the test every five years. That’s the opposite of what the pap test required at first place.
The age change is due to the success of the HPV vaccine, which makes the cervical cancer cases in younger women almost non-existent.
Women who gave positive results on the test for high-risk HPV types will undergo further tests. Those who test positive for common risk types will have follow-up tests in 12 months. Those who test negative will continue with regular screening.
Dr. Branson says:
“Women with a negative HPV test can be reassured that their risk of developing cervical disease within the next five years is extremely low, lower than for a Pap smear, which is why we can safely extend the interval between tests” says Dr. Bateson.I always feel awesome when I hear that the science is making its way through a discovery.
New updates and technologies are always welcome.
don’t know how to react reading how a vaccine almost killed this brave teenager. She has the power to pose in front of the camera with her smile on saying that she will get through this.
I admire this girl even though I see her for the first time.
The story starts with her being a happy teenager living the most beautiful days of her life.
And then, October happened.
“In October 2016 I died and came back to life,” wrote Chloe on her Facebook page, “due to the severity of my damaged ANS (autonomic nervous system) – I was resuscitated and put on life support until my internal organs recovered and until I could breathe without a ventilator.”I have chills all over my body just by reading this. I can’t imagine what was going through her parents’ minds while seeing their little girl on the verge of losing her life.
A vaccine could do big damage, and the people behind this marketing trick are still pushing it through.
Here is the full story about the vaccine story on her Facebook page:
It’s a constant battle for her and the disease to take over her body. The paralysis was getting worse leaving both of her legs paralyzed for the past two years.She says that the constant battle and search for alternative holistic health therapies allowed her to regain some mobility in one of her feet.
The whole thing got more serious as one of the Merck’s lead researchers, Dr. Diane Harper, got some strong accusations on Gardasil:
“The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers, they are just postponed,” said Harper in an interview with CBS News.She added:
The risks of serious adverse events including death reported after Gardasil use…were 3.4/100,000 doses distributed. The rate of serious adverse events on par with the death rate of cervical cancer.As for Chloe, she is living the life in a constant battle against the circumstances. She is a brave young girl with huge goals in front of her.
Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year. Indeed, the risks of vaccination are under-reported.
It’s time to raise awareness against these vaccines. The opinions are separated, but I think there are more severe cases than something good out of them.
There is a constant debate about the vaccine-autism connection.
It’s not a political thing, but I found something that might interest all parents out there.
Our president-elects Mr. Donald Trump talked very much before he became a president.
He was addressing this issue on his Twitter profile in 2014. We are about to see whether he is going to do something about it in future.
I want to say that I’m against these vaccines. I refused to take both of my kids to get stabbed and endangered.
Trump’s View on the Vaccines
On September 3, 2014, Mr. Donald Trump tweeted:I don’t know about you, but I’m sure this means that he has enough proof to claim the connection between our subjects here.
If we went back two more years in 2014, we are going to find the same problem and the same Mr. Donald Trump addressing the same issue. He talked about an employee’s kid who got impaired after receiving the vaccine.
One sentence got my attention.
I’ve gotten to be pretty familiar with the subject. You know, I have a theory – and it’s a theory that some people believe in – and that’s the vaccinations. –In October 2012, the president-elect addressed the public on Twitter:
He told Fox News.
What can we expect?
Judging by what he said over the presidential campaigns, we can expect the “soon-to-become-president” to address this problem again and finally put an end to the lie doctors try to sell to us.I want to hear your opinion about the vaccine-autism connection.
When my children were babies, I didn’t want to let them go to sleep. I felt like I need to be with them 24/7.
Especially when they are a few months old. They sleep all the time.
Seeing them grow up in beautiful boy and girl I couldn’t be prouder of mine and my husband’s creation.
No later than 9 PM was the rule in my home as they were growing up. I’m a proud mother because I encouraged them to read books before bed.
That grew as a habit. Both of them still have it. My daughter is more into reading adventure and love books. My boy started reading comic books recently. It’s his occupation at the moment.
My point here is that I made my kids go to bed because they formed a book habit.
I bet your grandmother told you to go to sleep before 9 PM when you were little but didn’t say why.
I think I finally have the crucial reasons for your kids to go to sleep before 9 PM. They come in a form of benefits for later in life.
Faster Sleep Time
Lots of studies show that the later your kids go to bed, the longer it takes for them to start snoozing.On the other hand, kids who go to sleep before 9 PM wind up sleeping an hour and eighteen minutes longer than those who get to sleep later.
Plus, the chances of them waking up in the middle of the night are reduced.
Growth Hormones
According to Marc Weissbluth, a pediatrician, the sleeping of the child is as important as how much it sleeps.Maybe your child’s hormones are more exposed during the teenage days, but they are already playing a huge role in their development in the early stages.
I don’t know if you heard about this, but the growth of your child depends on of the “Human Growth Hormone.”
It’s the hormone that peaks at 10 PM, at midnight, and at 2 AM. There is a truth behind this you need to know.
The hormone works correctly and allows your child to grow if your baby is sleeping during these times.
According to a report by, kids who slept and rested more will have better attention and productivity span in school.The symptoms of sleep deprivation and ADHD, including impulsivity and distractibility, mirror each other almost exactly,” says Dr. Judith Owens, director of sleep medicine at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington.There are many things you can do to make your kids go to bed early. My trick was making them read books.
Good Luck.
Smartphones. Smartphones everywhere.
Even our kids play with them.
New research indicates something we see every day.
You know how older people say don’t use your technology too much, you’ll suffer from it.
Somehow we got used to it. We don’t pay so much attention to that anymore.
Well, some researchers wanted to dig deeper in that.
Technology took a huge part in our lives.
We are desperate without our smartphone, tablet or any other gadget on our table.
Do you want to know the worst part?
Our kids got used to them, too.
Scientists picked this subject as the main problem here.
They wanted to find the connection between kids and handheld devices.
The results came out. They are not so good.
It indicates that the devices we are giving to our kids are harming them.
These devices have a direct impact on the critical factors for behavior, development and learning.
Researchers found 10 reasons why children under the age of 12 shouldn’t be given handheld devices.
Let see what they are:
Rapid Brain Growth
Yes, that’s right.
The brain continues to grow until the 21st year.
Early brain growth is determined by lack of thereof or environmental stimuli.
The stimulation of early technology exposure is tightly connected with executive functioning and attention deficit.
On top of that, this could lead to impaired learning, increased impulsivity and not being able to self-regulate.
Delayed Development
Exactly the opposite could happen.
“When the children under the age of 12 use technology, they suffer from delayed development. – The study shows.
It restricts the movement, which is crucial for enhancing attention and learning abilities.
Epidemic Obesity
And you know what comes when your kid is obese.
Do diabetes, higher risk of heart attack, а stroke and other heart diseases sound familiar?
Sleep Deprivation
I know you said to reduce the usage. They found a way to hide from you.
You know when?
This study showed that 75% of the children are using tech in their bedrooms.
All of them are sleep deprived.
Not getting that good night sleep thanks to their tablet or smartphone, they fail to concentrate and achieve their goals.
Mental Illness
When your kid overuses the technology it could result with high levels of depression, disorder, anxiety, attention deficit, bipolar disorder, autism, etc.
This list is very long.
This study showed that 1 of 6 Canadian children is diagnosed with mental illness.
Why taking that risk?
But that “something” is familiar. You’ve seen it somewhere.
Is it possible it could be from some recent game he plays or mimicked from a TV Show?
Kids are like “Monkey see, monkey do”.
Studies show how this could become a bigger problem. They could develop serious and uncontrolled aggression.
Digital Dementia
Spending a few hours of research, I found something like this.
From the entire high-speed media content, kids could contribute to attention deficit.
This leads to losing the ability to concentrate, memorize and learn.
When they eat. When they learn. When they do everything!
This leads to family detachment. They are absent.
If you ask them something, they won’t answer.
When the parental care is not here, the children are always looking at their devices.
Radiation Emission
Lots of studies say there is huge radiation in these tech devices.
The people from cNET even did this to prove which smartphones have the biggest radiation levels.
Eye strain
This is how they suffer from eye-strain. They stare at the smartphone’s screen for too long.
They won’t understand if you tell them that this is from staring too much in their smartphone.
You have to have a different approach.
Kids can really relate to something that is interesting for them.
Try different approaches. Something must be more interesting than the videos they see on the Internet.
You know, there are lots of things you can do together.
Show them the good world outside their smartphones or tablets.