If you are not able to stay on the regimen and consume healthy food, refuse to drink water, and stop the unhealthy habits, your health will feel the consequences.
Let’s leave aside that you are going to get fat. You will start feeling some conditions that you’ve never felt before.
That’s scary, how to protect it?
Performing regular detoxification of your body will improve the work of your liver.The recipe I’m going to show you now contains ingredients you can easily find everywhere around you. All of them have the ability to flush your body out of toxins and improve the health of your liver.
- A fistful of fresh mint leaves
- Some lemon juice
- Some orange juice
- One liter of purified water
- Organic honey to taste
- Pour the water into a pot and let it boil
- Put the mint leaves inside and leave them for about 5 minutes
- Remove the stove and let it sit until it cools down
- Put the lemon and orange juice inside with grated lemon rind
- Add the raw organic honey
- Drink up!
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